Frequently Asked Questions
"Explain your 7N silver bonded wire."
Our wire is a multicore single conductor with a pure silver bonding. This hybrid OCC silver/OFC copper bonding method offers far better economies of scale than a solid singular OCC conductor but with similar sonic performance. We have clarified these aspects in the product pages. View the Tech link for more info.
"Is it true that silver cables/wire are sonically bright and edgy compared to copper wire?"
No. A lower grade of silver wire may sound this way due to impurities but the real culprit is the bulk dielectric and type of dielectric. Just compare a rubber covered wire to a Teflon insulated wire. Our Silver Strand cables do not have the "silver-sound" coloration found in typical solid silver cables.
"This minimalist bulk-free construction ensures perfect signal transfer and sonic transparency. Please expand on the benefits of Bulk-Free."
Bulk-free refers to a low dielectric construction method that reduces the dissipation factor loss of the insulating materials. This is achieved by using thin-walled Teflon air-core tubing, thin-walled Teflon conductors, and no unnecessary fillers to 'fatten' the cable. Dielectric stored energy affects signal quality which results in sonic coloration.
"Why do you employ Rhodium-copper connectors vs. Gold or silver variations?"
Rhodium-copper connectors are known for their neutral sonic characteristics and are the best match for our cables. They are also very durable.
"Do you offer other cable lengths besides the ones in the shopping cart?"
Yes. We build custom length cables special order. Please contact Support Services with your specifications.
"Is the Silver Strand Power Cord Shielded?"
Yes. Our method is to tightly wind the conductors instead of a common mesh sheath. Mesh sheaths can increase capacitance and induce earth ground noise into the conductors resulting in sonic artifacts.
"Are the Silver Strand interconnects shielded?"
Yes. We use proprietary construction methods for the core and conductors without a commonly used braid or foil sheath. This results in lower capacitance for a focused and open sonic experience.
"What is your return policy and product warranty?"
Please view our Store Policies for complete information.